Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Berkelah Waterfall

This Waterfall or waterfalls were admired by the many who had seen them. Very natural settings and beautifully carved out falls. As it is located in a sparsely populated locality, it is difficult to identify any landmark for those who have not being there to make entry to the waterfall area.
the overall distance to the fall as 700 meters, but takes a good 30 minutes walk, cement path and laterite trail.
Caution: There are rumors about this place being "uncleaned" Many reports of visitors getting lost. For us, there are reasons and over confident is the main one. Open country gives the impression that it is easier to spot distant landmarks. No- it is also make recognizing immediate tracking signs more confusing. 2 places are misleading, the dry river bed above and trekking by the river bank.
At the end of the short hike is the first campsite in the woods and also the magnificent looking fall No. 1. Watch out for the 'model' in all pictures. This is to provide a better impression on the relative size of falls. This twin falls is about 30 meters tall

All the waterfalls here have one distinctive feature, they have pool at the base, ranging from fair size to large. Very deep and dark blue in color. Without land clearing [just starting] the water is perpetually clear. The stony geology with sharp drops forces the strong water power from floods to dig deep. The effects of the vertical forces from sudden down pour do not work on the edges to widen but deepens the pool area.

This 1st waterfall above is preceded by 2 gorgeous looking 'baby' falls, some 25 meters above.
Now we continue with more waterfalls and their appearances. If you think that the 1st waterfall is large and majestic, wait till you see those further up! The tallest falls being the 3rd and the last - 4th fall. 2nd fall is splitted into a twin fall. Here is a glimpse of the left half . This a 35 meters drop The right flank is hidden from view.
The whole hill is actually one huge granite block Waterfall No.1 shown earlier is where the river finally reaches level ground. Higher up into the hills, the river cut through the 'stone' hill.
This fall No. 3a. on the left. The drop is only 6 meters tall but look at the size of the pool!
Last but not least, after 90 minutes of slow and cautious trekking by the steep banks, the grand finale.
Innermost Berkelah waterfall
Behold that breathtaking sight of the 150 meters tall drop. One of the tallest, dramatic and seen by only the few strong willed trekkers.
Up above 1st Waterfall

While the banks are near vertical, it is fairly easy and safe to slowly ascend the first fall. The view from the top is quite dramatic.
There are safe campsites along that few kilometers stretch of unspoilt natural wonderland. Safe from rising water in the night and on dry land away from the banks.

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